Sunday, September 27, 2009


I really hate being broke. I just finished paying bills and it sucked. Had to transfer $500 from our savings to our checking to cover everything and now we only have $350 left in savings. That's really not good. What if there is an emergency? Crap. We have to stop eating out and buying junk food and snacks at gas stations. I really think that is where a lot of our money goes. I think I'm going to add up the amount of money we spend eating out a month and see how much it is
in a 30 day period.

Wow. We could have saved $400 by not eating out. That is incrediable.

Right now after paying all our bills we have $70 in the bank--and that is AFTER taking the $500 from savings. I wonder if we can make $70 last for the next 18 days. I don't think so. Maybe we'll get some money from an unknown source to cover us. I sure hope so. It doesn't make much sense to run up the credit cards because that is just spending what we don't have.

Must take it a day at a time and not look any farther than that. Each day we don't spend any money is one more day closer to next pay period...

We will be ok.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Just a blog

This is meant to be a blog for me to vent my frustrations. I'm a married, stay at home Mom to 2 wonderful children. I love my life, but have several things that cause me stress on a regular basis. These include:

  1. My Mother
  2. My Sister In Law, aka, The Queen B
  3. Money

Only 3 things, which is pretty good as stresses go I suppose.